Soar beyond the classroom at Colonial Forge! Join one of the 50+ clubs & activities we have to offer. Find your passion, make friends, and take flight!
Please email the Teacher Sponsor listed with each activity for more information.
Don't forget to follow us on social media for the latest updates, club spotlights, and exciting events!
Peer Tutoring Opportunites
Peer to Peer tutoring is available throughout the year and is provided by students in our various Honors Societies. Keep an eye on the announcements for additions and cancellations, but the general schedule is below:
- Math Tutoring. Thursdays 2-3, Mornings 7-7:25, Room 206. provided by MuATh, the Math Honor Society
- Science Tutoring, Wednesdays 2-3, Room 440, provided by the Science National Honor Society
- Tutoring for English Learners, Wednesdays 2-2:45, Library, provided by Student Creators of Change
Student Clubs & Activities
- Student Government/Class Office
- Asian Heritage Club
- Battle of the Books
- Black Student Union
- Buddy Club
- Colonial Forge Writing Center
- Crafting for a Cause
- Creative Writing Club
- Cyberpatriot
- Entrepreneurship Club
- Environmental Club
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
- Female Empowerment Club
- Finance Club
- Forge Theatre
- French Club and French Honor Society
- Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
- German Club
- Habitat for Humanity Club
- Health Occupations Students of America
- Horticulture Club
- JROTC Programs
- Latin Club
- LEO Club
- Love Them Both
- Math Honor Society (MuAlphaTheta)
- Molten Art Literary Magazine
- Morgan's Message Club
- Music Groups
- Muslim Student Association
- National Art Honor Society (NAHS)
- National History Honor Society
- National Honor Society
- National Spanish Honor Society
- Philosophy Club
- Pickleball Club
- Psychology Club
- Random Acts of Kindness
- Red Cross Club
- Science National Honor Society
- Stem Immersion Club
- Student Creators of Change
- SuperNova KPOP
- Tabletop 101
- Technology Student Association (TSA)
- Thespian Club
- Ultimate Frisbee Club
- UNICEF Unite
- VHSL Debate Team
- 'What's So Funny?' Improv Team
Student Government/Class Office
Senior Class
Teacher Sponsors:
Mrs. Fulmer, Ms. Keenan, & Mrs. Mitchell
The Senior Class Officers are Representatives of their class who have been selected as leaders among their peers. These students are elected by their classmates to fill the roles of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Reporter, and Secretary through voting that takes place each year. They are responsible for organizing school spirit related events and activities. All Class Officers also work to establish strong school spirit while engaging the student body, as well as the community that they live in through various initiatives.
Class dues can either be:
$40 - covers graduation-related items: cap and gown/diploma/diploma cover etc.
$75 - covers graduation-related items, prom, senior picnic, senior banquet
Dues go towards schoolwide activities free to all students, including student Prom tickets.
Disclaimer for all - events sponsored are subject to change each year to take into account the school calendar, budget, class size etc.
Junior Class
Teacher Sponsors:
Mrs. Mitchell, Ms. Keenan & Mrs. Fulmer
The Junior Class Officers are Representatives of their class who have been selected as leaders among their peers. These students are elected by their classmates to fill the roles of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Reporter, and Secretary through voting that takes place each year. They are responsible for organizing school spirit related events and activities. All Class Officers also work to establish strong school spirit while engaging the student body, as well as the community that they live in through various initiatives.
Class dues are $50. Dues go towards schoolwide activities free to all students, including student Prom tickets.
Disclaimer for all - events sponsored are subject to change each year to take into account the school calendar, budget, class size etc.
Sophomore Class
Teacher Sponsor:
Ms. Shine
The Sophomore Class Officers are Representatives of their class who have been selected as leaders among their peers. These students are elected by their classmates to fill the roles of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Reporter, and Secretary through voting that takes place each year. They are responsible for organizing school spirit related events and activities. All Class Officers also work to establish strong school spirit while engaging the student body, as well as the community that they live in through various initiatives.
Class dues are $15. Dues go towards schoolwide activities free to all students. Some events include the Homecoming Bonfire, Talon Tailgate, CFHS Adopt-A-Family Community Service Project, and more!
Disclaimer for all - events sponsored are subject to change each year to take into account the school calendar, budget, class size etc.
Freshman Class
Teacher Sponsor:
Mr. Hughes
The Freshman Class Officers are Representatives of their class who have been selected as leaders among their peers. These students are elected by their classmates to fill the roles of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Reporter, and Secretary through voting that takes place each year. They are responsible for organizing school spirit related events and activities. All Class Officers also work to establish strong school spirit while engaging the student body, as well as the community that they live in through various initiatives.
Class dues are $10. Dues go towards schoolwide activities free to all students. Some events include the Homecoming Bonfire, Talon Tailgate, CFHS Adopt-A-Family Community Service Project, and more!
Disclaimer for all - events sponsored are subject to change each year to take into account the school calendar, budget, class size etc.
Student Council Association (SCA)
Teacher Sponsor:
Mrs. Hollie Santay & Ms. Lauren Spinelli &
SCA is a dynamic and inclusive student-led elected organization that serves as the voice of the student body. The students within the SCA are committed to fostering leadership skills, school spirit, and a positive change within our school community. The SCA plays a crucial role in enhancing the high school experience for all students. As a group we plan, organize and execute the schools Talon Tailgate, Homecoming Spirit Week and Dance and the Talent Show. Elections are held at the end of every school year for the following year's leadership team. This is an organization that meets regularly throughout the school year in a class setting (non-credited), taking the place of an elective.
Disclaimer for all - events sponsored are subject to change each year to take into account the school calendar, budget, class size ect.
Asian Heritage Club
Battle of the Books
Teacher Sponsor:
Mrs. Silvestri and Mr. Huffman &
Club Description:
Battle of the Books is a reading competition held in the Spring where students "battle" other SCPS high schools by answering questions concerning ten , librarian-selected books/graphic novels. It's largely run by the team members and encourages students to read current young adult books and discuss them in a fun, and collaborative group setting. Participation is voluntary and it's open to all Forge students - students can join at any time! Email Mrs. Silvestri ( or Mr. Huffman ( if you are interested!
Black Student Union
Buddy Club
Teacher Sponsor:
Mrs. Watterson
Club Description:
The Buddy Club will foster friendships between the Special Education Students and the General Education Students.
We will raise awareness and acceptance of our Special Education Students and help build social skills. The Buddy Club will have a positive impact on all students participating, both General Education and Special Education Students.
Colonial Forge Writing Center
Teacher Sponsor:
Mrs. Ben-Eli
Club Description:
The Writing Center is an organization of student tutors who excel in the language
arts, and it is our job to work together with other students to help them refine and
edit the best essays possible! If you are a student at Forge in any grade who would like some aid with any part of your essay, we're here for you!
Please note that we will not do your work for you, but instead will offer as much constructive
feedback as possible so that you yourself can become a better writer.
Crafting for a Cause
Teacher Sponsor:
Mrs. Raftery
Club Description:
The Craft Club creates crafts as a service to the school and community. The club is student voiced and participants are encouraged to share their knowledge of crafts and also where they would like to donate the crafts. Everything made is given to a hospital, senior citizen home, shelter, etc. We want to promote goodwill to our surrounding area. We are inspired and happy to give back. Everyone is welcome at our meetings.
Creative Writing Club
Teacher Sponsor:
Mr. Snead
Club Description:
Members of the Creative Writing Club will be given the opportunity to access the school’s creative writing community and build their skills through learning activities, writing workshops, and exercises. They will learn how to properly give and receive constructive criticism and effectively communicate with their peers about their work through partner activities. Additionally, these members will be encouraged to contribute to Colonial Forge’s literary magazine, Molten Art.
Teacher Sponsor:
Mr. Cotton
Club Description:
The National Youth Cyber Education Program is STEM program of the Air & Space Forces Association. It was created to inspire K-12 students toward careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation's future.
At the center of CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, which puts teams of middle and high school students in the position of newly hired IT professionals tasked with managing the network of a small company. Through a series of online competition rounds, teams are given a set of virtual operating systems and are tasked with finding and fixing cybersecurity vulnerabilities while maintaining critical services.
Teacher Sponsor:
Ms. Vasquez (Advisor), Mrs. Siepel (Co-Advisor)
Club Description:
DECA is a career and technical student organization that prepares students for careers in Marketing. Students are given real life business experiences at leadership conferences where they can connect their knowledge from the classroom and showcase their abilities in competitive events. There are also opportunities to connect to internships, colleges and receive scholarships reserved for DECA members.
Entrepreneurship Club
Teacher Sponsor:
Ms. Tiffani
Club Description:
This is a student-led club for any student who already has a small business or an interest in Entrepreneurship. Students will connect and learn more about handling their business, marketing their product(s) and understanding profit.
Environmental Club
Teacher Sponsors:
Mr. Konrad Heller & Mrs. Laura Diamantopoulos &
Club Description:
This club gets things done. We get involved in many activities (tree plantings, climate conferences, river clean ups etc.) that better our natural environment. There are many problems we as humans have created on our planet and the outlook for mother Earth is not great. Most of those problems can be seen here in Stafford and we try to help by making a difference at the local level.
Meetings happen announced and unannounced. To become a member, show up to one of the first two meetings (time, date, and meeting place will be announced) and pay the $5 dues.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Female Empowerment Club
Finance Club
Teacher Sponsor:
Mrs. Susan Easter Easter
Club Description:
The purpose of the Forge Finance club is to provide an opportunity for members to learn and discuss financial concepts, strategies, and what is going on in the economy. The student-led club will provide opportunities for the members to learn financial concepts that will be very important in their future. The knowledge gained through this club will allow members to make educated decisions in the future whether that be regarding their personal finances or money management.
Forge Theatre
Teacher Sponsor:
Ms. Cover-Tucci & Mr. Clevenger &
Club Description:
Forge Theatre produces two maninstage and one competition play each year, We host an Improv team and several 24 hour theatre projects.EVERYONE is welcome at Forge Theatre whether you're an actor, a technician, an enthusiastic audience member or aren't sure how you feel about theatre, you're welcome to come find out! Forge Theatre meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month in the black box Theatre.
French Club and French Honor Society
Teacher Sponsor:
Mrs. Goodwin
Club Description:
The goal of French Club is to provide an opportunity for students to have unique cultural experiences outside of the classroom. You don't need to take French to be in French Club! Come join us to try new foods, celebrate holidays, play games, listen to music, and maybe learn to speak some French! We meet on the 1st Thursday of each month. Remind: @d7fa73c
French Honor Society recognizes students for their academic achievements in the French language and culture, and promotes interest in Francophone countries and cultures. Members will participate in activities with French Club, but will also be a part of planning those activities to complete volunteer service hours. Members participate in extra activities that the French Club is not involved in. Graduating seniors receive a cord to wear at graduation and an official certificate to show their years of service in French Honor Society. There is an application process. We meet on the 1st Thursday of each month with the French Club, and on an as needed basis in between. Remind: @g267gg
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
German Club
Teacher Sponsor:
Mr. Lentz
Club Description:
This is a club for anyone interested in learning about Germanic cultures. We do and discuss activities that take place in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, and other countries where German is spoken. No knowledge of German is needed, just an interest in learning about cool things.
Habitat for Humanity Club
Teacher Sponsor:
Mrs. Brewer
Club Description:
The Habitat for Humanity Club will work with the Habitat for Humanity organization to help those in need of affordable housing. Students will be able to educate the community on housing needs, advocate for those in need, volunteer on-site to build and restore homes and furniture, volunteer within the community for those in need, participate in team building activities, and volunteer at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.
Health Occupations Students of America
Teacher Sponsor:
Mrs. Clinger
Club Description:
HOSA is a global student-led organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services and several federal and state agencies. HOSA’s mission is to empower HOSA-Future Health Professionals to become leaders in the global health community, through education, collaboration, and experience. HOSA actively promotes career opportunities in the health industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. Those who join HOSA will gain training far beyond the basic technical skills needed for entry into the health care field. The rapidly changing health care system needs dedicated workers who, in addition to their technical skills, are people-oriented and capable of playing a leadership role as a member of a health care team.
Horticulture Club
Teacher Sponsor:
Ms. Courtney Kreft
Club Description:
We mainly take care of plants in the greenhouse and maintaining the garden beds. Through this, we educate people about plants and their importance. We also work with clubs and companies to expand knowledge of and take care of our school’s plants, and are hoping to start donating our grown produce to local donation hubs.
- Create a school based fresh foods “food pantry” where students can select fresh items to take home.
- Hold a spring plant sale annually to help fund our club and purchase items to expand our program.
- Work with different local organizations to provide education and donations for the community.
- Learn more about different plants, growing sustainably, and so much more!
JROTC Programs
- Eagle Battalions - Program Overview
- Eagle Battalion Competition Color Guard Team
- Eagle Battalion Drill Team
- Eagle Battalion JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl Team
- Eagle Battalion Robotics Team
- Eagle Battalion Raider Team
Eagle Battalions - Program Overview
Teacher Sponsor:
Sergeant Major (Retired) Lee Worthan (
Sergeant First Class (Retired) Phillip Roberts
Colonel (Retired) Mark Strong (
Club Description:
The Colonial Forge High School (CFHS) Army Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) Eagle Battalion is an extension of the JROTC Program of Instruction, which focuses on the development of better citizens by building skills in leadership, citizenship, life success, geography, and wellness in a structured, interactive environment. The Army JROTC program is a cooperative effort by the US Department of Defense (DoD), the US Department of Education, US Army Cadet Command and host institutions to provide secondary school students opportunities for total development. The Colonial Forge High School "Eagle Battalion" was established in the Summer of 2005.
Students must be actively enrolled in a JROTC class in order to participate in JROTC extra-curricular teams and events. JROTC instructors are retired Army officers and non-commissioned officers, vetted and trained by the US Army Cadet Command, and employed of Stafford County Public Schools. Instructors, who are licensed under the Virginia Department of Education, teach all JROTC classes and coach/supervise the extra-curricular teams and activities.
Eagle Battalion Competition Color Guard Team
Teacher Sponsors:
Coach: SGM Worthan
Description: The Eagle Battalion has two Color Guard teams. One is the competitive team, which is part of the Drill Team. The Drill Team coach selects Drill Team members to compete in Color Guard. The second Color Guard is for community service and school sporting events, and is open to all cadets and we encourage everyone to be a part! See SGM Worthan if you are interested.
Eagle Battalion Drill Team
Teacher Sponsor:
SGM Worthan and SFC Roberts
Eligibility: All cadets maintain grades and school conduct and attend all practices (may be excused at discretion of coach). Must attend after-school tryouts, which will be held after the 2-week drop-add period. Look for announcements in class
Eagle Battalion JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl Team
Teacher Sponsor:
COL Strong
Eligibility: 9th, 10th, and 11th grade cadets maintaining grades/school conduct and attending all practices (may be excused at discretion of coach). Must attend tryouts/get organized event first week of October (see battalion calendar for exact day and time).
Description: JLAB is two teams in one: Leadership, and Academic. The teams will form up and train/practice in October, with first competition round in early November. Visit the website below for more information (Army Leadership and Academic). Look for more information in class as well. As with Drill, Raiders, and Competition Color Guard, cadets participating for two years are eligible to earn a Varsity Letter.